Dungeons & Dragons, or D&D as it is lovingly known across the world, is a role-playing game that many of us enjoyed when we were young. Countless hours spent with friends weaving and plotting our characters through storylines. Many more hours spent under the lamp, painstakingly painting our dungeons and dragons miniatures collections to somewhere near perfection. D&D and miniatures go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other, well, technically you can but the game becomes a lot less exciting without a collection of miniatures representing your heroes, terrain, and monsters. Although, there is a place for theatre of the mind!
Your D&D Miniature Problem?
The truth is that not everyone has the cash upfront to fulfill their fantasy miniature bulk dream. As we said, a D&D table without some representation of your heroes and armies is quite a sad sight. So how can you build your collection to epic, army-sized proportions? Well, you are in luck. Read on and we’ll explain where to find orcs and goblins, armies of the dead and your dungeons and dragons miniatures in abundance.
Dungeons and Dragons Miniatures Solution!
The best solution is to hunt down and buy D&D miniature bulk sets. Painted or unpainted, there are lots of deals to be found online. You just need to know where to look and be quick to purchase because the best deals don’t last! Most of the time you have some sort of choice as to what type of miniature characters you will be receiving but not always. We’re here to help you either start or build up your existing collection so we can’t be too fussy.
Dungeons and Dragons Miniatures – Mythical Heroes

The best option of obtaining bulk dungeons and dragons miniatures (or any tabletop game really) is through Mythical Heroes mini figure set. They are super affordable coming in at just 38 cents per miniature! That’s insane! There are a variety of classes such as fighters, mages, rogues, paladins, clerics across multiple races including humans, elves and dwarves. This should surely be enough to create a party of adventurers or just to use as NPC’s or baddies to throw at your players.
If you’re looking for monsters you won’t be disappointed. There are several starter monsters to get you started in a normal low-level campaign such as orcs, goblins, goblins big brother/sister (hobgoblins), kobolds, skeletons, zombies and rats! On top of this there are dragons! I’m sure your players would love to face a dragon right?…right?
They come in three different colors which is perfect if you’re not feeling up to painting. Those three colors include green, gray, and white.
If it were me this would be my first choice when looking at purchasing d&d miniatures bulk.

Reaper Bones Kickstarter

Your great option of acquiring miniatures is through the Reaper Bones Kickstarter project. All you need to do is pledge money towards their current project. Depending on how much you pledge (there are different levels) you’ll receive a bulk set of miniatures.
These Reaper Bones miniatures come unpainted and there is no need for priming which is a bonus. The guys at Reaper Bones have this to say about their bulk miniatures: “Inexpensive, high quality, soft gaming models that are easy and fun to paint and won’t break when you actually use them for games!” – this sounds good to us.
How much do these bulk sets cost? A pledge of $100 will get you 150 miniatures, circular bases that come in different sizes, and weapon packs for extra customization. This kind of deal was unheard of a few years ago. The fact that you’re getting new miniatures for under $1 is amazing value in the D&D world.
The best thing about this Kickstarter project is that the more people that pledge their money, the bigger the packs become. Tell your friends and spread the word because it’s a win-win situation for everyone. In addition to these bulk miniature sets, you can also purchase large, unique characters and other add-ons for incredibly cheap prices.
The Skyless Realms Kickstarter
Kickstarter also has another brilliant source for all things D&D miniature and that’s the Skyless Realms project. Pledging your money to this Kickstarter project will mean getting your hands on a wide range of digital files. You don’t receive any physical goods but instead, you get access to expert designs that you can print out at home on your own 3D printers.
The list of designs has been growing rapidly and you can now get over 100 designs for just $70. Get your hands on detailed mini designs for characters, monsters, terrain, buildings and awesome landscape sections. The sheer depth of this collection will allow you to create a full gaming environment that breathes life and detail.
The Skyless Realms project pays a lot of attention to the smallest of details and the designs have been crafted by 3D designer and D&D hobbyist, Evan Carothers. The buildings and scatter designs range from small structures to large multi-floor designs with removable roof sections. It’s a truly impressive collection and we look forward to seeing what else the Skyless Realms team come up with in the future.
D&D Figurines In Bulk

If you’re not into the whole painting thing and you still want to keep the cost down then you do have some alternatives. One clever way of buying miniatures in bulk, for less than a dollar each, is to search for Mage Knight packs on sites such as eBay, Gumtree, and Craigslist. You’ll find most luck on eBay but it’s always worth a quick search on any second-hand websites to see what people are getting rid of.
For those who don’t know what Mage Knight is, let us quickly inform you. Mage Knight was introduced as a miniature-based wargame in the year 2000 by a company called WizKids. It was a hugely popular game that brought with it thousands upon thousands of miniature characters. These miniatures are now spread across the land, some boxed away, some still in use, and they are perfect for fantasy miniatures in bulk for just about any tabletop game.
Search for Mage Knight on eBay and you’ll come across many different sized and priced lots. If you’re lucky then you’ll find deals that offer 40 cents per miniature for 100 miniatures to anything around 80 cents per miniature for 40 miniatures. You need to be quick and search regularly to keep on top of what is available.
Many of the lots on eBay are full of mixed and random figures but if you look hard enough then you should find some grouped deals, such as gangs of orcs or goblins. These are perfect for filling out your collection quickly and easily.
A useful design feature of these Mage Knight figurines is that the bases include a dial that can help you track various in-game D&D statistics. However, not everyone will find this feature useful so if you don’t want this style of base then it can easily be replaced with standard bases, with the use of a small sharp hobby knife.
Simply search the Amazon, eBay, and Reaper Miniatures sites to find bulk deals on plain miniature bases. If you’re looking to keep the cost down to a minimum then other options include laser cut stands and even small one-inch washers.
Finding Mage Knight deals online is an excellent way to boost your miniature collection or even to get your collection off the ground. They are pre-painted, durable, customizable, and you can get your hands on them for well under a dollar per miniature. Keep your eye out for deals on the sites mentioned above and you’ll be sure to find something that suits your style sooner or later.
Downside of Buying Bulk D&D Miniatures
The only downside to owning miniatures is the cost. This has always been an issue and your bank account will take quite a hit if you are looking to create a full collection. That’s where buying D&D miniatures bulk comes into play, and how you get the best bang for your buck. For the die-hard fans, it was always a cost worth bearing back in the day. I think that’s why miniatures are treasured so much by their owners. I dare anyone to mess with a D&D fan’s miniature collection, you’ll see who the real monster is then!
You also have to find a place to store them all! Luckily we have a great article on miniature storage solutions just for you!
Where Else Can I Buy D&D Miniature Bulk Sets?

A quick search on the internet will bring up many sites offering old and new miniature deals, but which ones give us the best value and quality? We’ve trawled through several pages of google and picked out the best deals on the D&D miniature market at the moment. If you’re looking for space marines, hordes of orcs and goblins, armies of ragged skeletons, or just some unique one-off characters then take a look at the following sites. You’ll find the perfect fit for your collection somewhere in there!
If you’re a dungeon master, be sure to check out the best D&D battle mats to use!
eM4 Miniatures
eM4 Miniatures is a fantastic site full of options at great prices. You can choose from unpainted, pre-painted and you’ll find some deals that are bursting with value! For example, an assorted set of 48 unpainted orcs or dwarves will set you back around $10. You can also choose orcs and dwarves with swords, crossbows, and spears. Single minis are available as well if you want to test the water before you purchase in bulk.
You can also get your hands on metal miniatures, all sorts of buildings and scenery accessories, and also a wide range of pre-painted characters. You’ll obviously be expected to pay more for these pre-painted miniatures but it’s a great option for those who are not skilled in the art of mini painting – or for those who simply don’t have the time anymore!
Check out the site: https://em4miniatures.com/pages/miniatures
Miniature Market
A popular fantasy miniatures marketplace that is aptly named – Miniature Market! It does exactly what it says on the tin and offers up a huge range of tabletop fantasy miniatures. The prices are more on the expensive side of things but here is where you can pick up some deals on hero characters and unique designs.
Prices are mostly in and around the $5 dollar mark and they are mostly unpainted. You’ll spend hours searching through the huge list of characters and you’ll find some special mini’s that command prices of up to $300 as well. Not the cheapest of sites but a useful source for heroes and special characters.
Check out the site here: https://www.miniaturemarket.com/table-top-miniatures.html
Now, we know this article is about buying in bulk but if you’re lucky enough to have a rather large budget for your Dungeon & Dragons collection then Darksword is a site that you need to check out. If you haven’t already heard of it then let us explain. Darksword offers some truly unique fantasy miniatures in some fun and interesting styles. Just a quick look on the site and you can find Game of Thrones miniatures, Jon Snow, Daenerys with dragons, Night’s Watch warriors, the list goes on.
You’ll also find witches, barbarians, anthropomorphic animals, and much more as you search through the site. The prices seem to hover around $10 for one miniature so if you don’t want to break the bank then keep this site in mind for your hero characters. It’s a great source of unique designs to keep your D&D games interesting!
Check out the site here: https://www.darkswordminiatures.com/shop/index.php/miniatures.html
Heroforge is another unique miniature site in the fact that it lets you create your own characters. Use the online character designer and some of your wildest dreams and creations to life! The level of detail is superb and you can spend a lot of time tweaking and adapting your character. It’s a lot of fun even if you don’t go through with buying something!
We love the way that you can customize your character by changing their pose, facial expressions, you can add wings, mount them on horses, wargs, or sci-fi motorcycles. Prices start from $30 per miniature so obviously, you will not want to use this site to build your armies. However, if you want to impress your D&D friends with some unique and hilarious-looking characters then Heroforge is the site to visit.
Check out the site here: https://www.heroforge.com/
Buying D&D Miniatures in Bulk, is it Worth it?
Buying heroes, monsters, and building up your D&D fantasy miniatures is a fun pastime and although it can be an expensive hobby, there is a cheaper and more productive way. As we have just seen in the above article, you can get your hands on D&D miniature bulk sets that can boost your collection by the hundreds via a single, relatively cheap transaction.
Buying bundles of miniatures do require you to fork out a bigger amount than if you were buying a handful of minis every week, but without getting too mathematical, the price per character in the bundle sets work out to be unbelievably cheap!
If you are in need of miniature storage ideas and figuring out how to organize them, then be sure to check out our article covering exactly that.
As we mentioned earlier, handing over $100 to the Reaper Bones Kickstarter project will give you a return of at least 150 minis. It’s an incredible deal and a no-brainer if you ask us. You’ll save yourself hundreds of dollars if you build your collection this way instead of slowly buying smaller packs each week or month. Of course, you’ll want to buy one-off hero and monster minis to keep your collection unique and exciting for your own personal enjoyment and gameplay with friends.
300 goblins staring back at you will get boring for anyone after a while! The idea we want to get across is that buying in bulk, especially from these Kickstarter projects, will give your miniature collections a huge boost in numbers. It’ll also be a lot kinder on your bank account so search out those bundle packs and build up your armies to epic scales!
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